Kamaliya has already established itself as one of the largest stars in Ukraine.
As a singer, songwriter, model and actress.

I am very proud to have signed the new Remix Official “Make Me Feel” inserted in the new album “Timeless Remix”
Listen to it, share it and support it !!!

Torre Giovanni

GtStudio Recordings

GtStudio Recordings is the ideal venue to follow all the steps of creating a professional music product.
Our Recording Studio has carried out a lot of work and contributed to the success of so many artists. We chose the best equipment to offer the best sound quality at affordable rates.

We offer all our members a wide range of musical and artistic activities, is available to offer free quotes.
Become our associate right now.

The studio deals with recording, mixing, mastering and arranging and is born from the ultra-20-year experience of the workgroup.e, print scores
cd duplication, digital distribution.




multitrack recording / multitrack recording
mixing (also on-line)
mastering (also on-line)
artistic direction / art direction
arrangements / arrangements
pre-production / pre-productions
try it, demo / demos
radio spots
radio editing
soundtracks / soundtracks
graphic cd / cd graphic
Siae practical service, print scores
cd duplication
digital distribution.

Lucia Lopes & Torre Giovanni